Wow, only a month has passed by. But heck, at least it's a month down. Jeremy is doing okay. There have been some incidents, that have put me back on edge until the phone rings and it's him on the other end.
First, we would like to send out our heart felt condolences to those who have lost soldiers recently. It is never easy to send them off and I can't imagine the pain to see certain people on your door step dressed in uniform. While we are sending condolences out, we would like to send best wishes to the Varner Family for their loss, a couple of weeks ago.
Jeremy is living with what is sent to him in boxes. He has no access to a PX for anything. So anything that can be sent to him from socks, magazines, toiletries and etc., will definitely be used. What he does not use, he passes down the line to his soldiers. He seems to be excited on the phone, more than I am, when he talks about what he can of what has been going on. So at least he is enjoying himself. Not sure he would survive another long combat tour, if it was in the same locations as the last several he has been on. He is sleeping in tents, on cots, showering and doing laundry in trailers. Living there is much more primitive than other deployments. But like I have already told him, this has got to beat sleeping on a cot, on the side of your tank or in your tank, with 7 other stinky guys, who have not been able to shower or eat decent meals for 3-4 months, during the initial invasion.
Seth is in summer school already. He received a hundred percent on several tests, so his summer study program may pay off for him next year. We are still working on the soccer registration.
Anna is getting very excited to attend school, especially since I told her the school district has allowed her to go to school with her big brother. Seth's not to sure about that, but it will be a great relief to me to be able to have him near her and to also not have them in different schools, with Jeremy being gone.
We have had a lot of things happen in our home, with in the first month of Jeremy being gone. It seems like that is how it always seems to work. As one of my friends kindly put it, "When it rains in your family, it pours." Which is assuredly true.
Lots of Love,
The Pidgeon Clan
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