Monday, May 19, 2008


Wow, how time flies, lol. It seems like, lately, it is hard to keep up with our own schedule and everyone else's, at the same time. This website was recommended to me, by a Colonels brother, the second time Jeremy was in Iraq. I have known about this website for many years, but I am now just getting around to actually doing it, lol.

The reason why we created this website, is for you!! I am so slow with getting back to everyone via email, most definitely via phone and I surely do not hand write letters anymore. Computers seem to be the way of the world and are most definitely mine, when I am around.

So this website, is to keep everyone updated on our moves (seems like we forgot to tell several people, lol), children, life and etc. as we move on day by day in this hectic world of ours.

Please leave us messages any time you feel like it and let us in on your life as well. We will get back to you as soon as possible (hopefully, without our hair standing on end, lol).

With lots of love,

The Pidgeon Family


Nancy Tindell said...

What a gorgeous family picture! Since I am partial to Seth, he looks pretty fabulous but you all look wonderful too!
Please keep this updated so I can see how the family is doing over the summer.
Love you all!
Nancy Tindell

Pidgeon Clan said...

We will do our best. Have a great Holiday Weekend.

crystala said...

Hey Mackenzie! Well nothing exciting going on here unfortunately! But I just wanted to say I miss talking to you so much. I know you are super busy and I understand. Hope all is well on your end.

Pidgeon Clan said...

Hey- I've tried to get you on IM, but we must be missing each other. I will keep trying, could use a talk. Talk to you soon. Mackenzie