I can't believe it. It has been so long since I have posted, that so much has happened.
Jeremy has had a long and hard tour. Not only has he lost some great friends, but he got extended. This didn't really help him because he really does not like Afghanistan, but it helped me. It's so hard to coordinate his coming home, when school ends. And if you are Military, you totally understand what I mean. He did take Christmas R&R and it was nice to have him home. He also got to take Emergency Leave because of me (for the first time in 6 deployments) and got an extra two weeks at home in March and made it to Adrianna's birthday party. The best news for him, is that he made the E7 list on his first look and try and should be promoted by the end of the year. This is great for him, but makes me realize that there is 10 1/2 years left until retirement.
Seth has done well. While he is in the preteen stage and driving me crazy and frustrating dad because he is not here to straighten his mishaps out, he is still the same Seth. He played Basketball this year. He has made new friends as they have come in during this semester, some I hope will be here for the summer for him. Last week, he fractured his thumb. That was a frantic day for mom because he sucked up the pain and went the entire day without calling home. And because we deal with Evans Army, it's a two day process because the ER can't handle all things. This coming week is his school play and the next week is field day. Last week was the Art Show and the Denver science field trip.
Adrianna has progressed a lot this year. She has made a lot of great little friends and she will be sad that school ends soon, but glad that daddy comes home this summer. The first of April, and I do mean the first, she had her hand smashed in the front door and a visit to the ER. Needless to say, her hand looked like Seth's does now. The day before, we found out from the ER that she has asthma. While she has asthma, she also has allergies so bad that it causes rashes and eye infections. She (and I) was very glad to have daddy home at the time to help. She goes to the zoo for this months field trip on Thursday and then we work on graduation for her in May.
Me. Hmmm... This could take awhile, so I will shorten it. This deployment has been the hardest for me. While we are used to him leaving and finding little things with my health, which can always be fixed by medications or therapy; this time, it hasn't worked out so easy. As most know, I suffered from a long time pain in my stomach (since last March). All the tests that they would run, came back just fine. But I was sent to a surgeon, none the less. He told me that I would have a 20 percent chance of surgery working; but that it would be a good indication that if it didn't work, it would be one of two other problems. I opted for the surgery and Jeremy took Emergency Leave the end of March to come home and help. That 20 percent chance worked in my favor and the biopsy clearly showed an infection and chronic problems. In January, I also learned that I have another problem, which requires another surgery and leaves us with no more options for children. While adding these two surgeries to the list, I also have to add two carpal tunnel surgeries at some point. But those will be much later because I am going to Medical Billing School right now. Anyway, this is the shortest summery that I can leave about myself. I haven't got all day to drone on, as I am sure you don't have all day to read.
While the last month has been the hardest in this house, it has been a blessing. Jeremy and I both realize that while the Army has it's priorities, this family has it's. And that it is now time, to make the later of those priorities an easier possibility for everyone in this house. Jeremy has dropped his Recruiter packet and we are hoping for him to get picked up, so we can sell, move and have time for several years as a family, living under the same roof for longer than 12 months at a time.
We hope that the start to this New Year, hasn't been as hard on you as it has on us. We wish you the best as this month comes to a close and the last month of the school year approaches.
Best wishes and lots of love,
The Pidgeon Clan